We’ve been so focused on COVID-19 and shifting to the telehealth delivery of our mental health services, keeping our clients and staff healthy and safe. So it’s great to pause and recognize this is NATIONAL NURSES WEEK and a chance to tell our nurses how much they are appreciated! CLM nurses always go above and beyond for our clients and now more so than ever!!

We APPRECIATE our nurses and we APPRECIATE the community partners who have donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) so our nurses, staff and clients stay safe. THANK YOU to NH Emergency Services Unit (ESU) of NH DHHS, DEKA Research and Development Corp (Dean Kamen’s company) for the donation of essential PPE including gowns, masks, face shields and goggles. And, to CLM’s own Dave Valentine from IT for making and donating 3D printed masks.
A BIG THANK YOU also to the community folks and organizations who have generously donated masks to CLM. Thanks to Hampstead Academy for their donation of surgical masks and for the wonderful hand-sewn masks donated by the Good Shepherds Foundation; The Lessard Family Sheila, Maddie and Sydney; and Seacoast Mask Makers! Your support is GREATLY APPRECIATED and is helping to keep our staff and clients safe and well.